Wednesday, September 24, 2008

September 29, 2008 - Aramis Ramirez, Chicago Cubs

It'd be cool to see the Cubs finally win after over 100 years. As good a team that they have -- and they should be free of Steve Bartman -- I doubt that it'll happen this year. But it's not like they need a World Series win. They pack the house for every game, win or lose, and Wrigley Field is a fricken palace despite it's lack of modern amenities. But still, congrats to the Chicago Cubs for another SI Cover this year. If I were a Chicagoan, I'd be a Cubs fan.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Ike, You Suck!

To those of you who have checked up on us during the past few days: Thank you for your words of kindness. Yes, we are all okay. Our homes have suffered broken windows, fallen fences, and missing shingles. There was a little bit of water damage to the office here in our downtown Houston warehouse (as a result, we'll be remodeling the office...woohoo!). But that is nothing compared to the devastation caused by Hurricane Ike to our friends in Galveston and around the gulf coast.

I personally experienced four days without power, telephone service, and running water. It felt more like 1908 than 2008. The water gradually started to trickle on Sunday and I was lucky enough to get power activated on Tuesday which is better than the rest of Houston. As I'm typing this, half of the city is still out of power.

On the bright side, it was kind of nice. I got into the routine of waking up at dawn, and going to bed a lot earlier than normal. With the internet down, no TV to watch, and the telephone not ringing, I was able to get a lot of chores done.

But now, after a bit of clean-up, things are getting back to normal - at least for us. The power is back; the phones are working; FedEx and USPS are on the roads again; and I am caught up on the package logjam (I apologize for the slight delay if you made your order during the hurricane weekend).

So give us a call. We're back in business.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September 22, 2008 - Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris & Yankee Stadium

It's hard to believe that Yankee Stadium won't be around next year. The current Yankee Stadium doesn't look old. As a matter of fact, it's only thirty two years old. Compared to the shimmering glare of all the new baseball palaces sprouting up around America, the space age cookie-cutter renovations that they made to the stadium in 1976 has become dated. Yes, it was a different time, but had George Steinbrenner done a better job with the redesign of the stadium, maybe hallowed Yankee Stadium wouldn't have to be torn down.
Yeah, there's a new one next door and it looks pretty good. It's got the molding along the top and the exterior looks like the original Yankee Stadium. The interior looks very much like the modern one. But will it be the same? Will baseball fans accept this stadium as the pinnacle of the pasttime?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hurricane Ike

Category 2? Category 3? I don't know. All I know is I have to apologize to a couple customers tonight. We couldn't get your urgent overnight packages shipped because the FedEx and UPS in Houston decided to suspend their operations due to the oncoming Hurricane Ike. And looking at the weather updates, I think we should do the same. So it's time to batten down the hatches; board up the windows; stock up on bottled water and non-perishables. From the looks of it, we could be out of the office for a few days. Please accept our apologies if we are out of contact for a short time.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

September 15, 2008 - Brett Favre, New York Jets

Retired? Whatever...

Although I think the majority of Cheeseheads would rather see him wearing the green and yellow than forest and white. On the other hand, Aaron Rodgers didn't look too shabby Monday night.

Add to that, Peyton looking rusty; Tom Brady out for the season; and Vince needing a nap, it's starting out to be an interesting NFL season.

Any cover with Brett sells fast so pick some up at your local Newsstand, or look us up. We'll be carrying both the subscription and the newsstand editions.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

September 8, 2008 - Glen Coffee, Alabama Crimson Tide

Give David Bergman the Pulitzer. His photograph of Glen Coffee breaking through Clemson's defense in last weekend's college football opener makes for one of the coolest SI covers this year. Good luck to the Tide on the resurgence of their football program.

August 11, 2008 College Preview Regional Fold-Out Covers

Five fold-out regional covers for this year's College Football Preview, and we have them all in decent quantity.