Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September 22, 2008 - Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris & Yankee Stadium

It's hard to believe that Yankee Stadium won't be around next year. The current Yankee Stadium doesn't look old. As a matter of fact, it's only thirty two years old. Compared to the shimmering glare of all the new baseball palaces sprouting up around America, the space age cookie-cutter renovations that they made to the stadium in 1976 has become dated. Yes, it was a different time, but had George Steinbrenner done a better job with the redesign of the stadium, maybe hallowed Yankee Stadium wouldn't have to be torn down.
Yeah, there's a new one next door and it looks pretty good. It's got the molding along the top and the exterior looks like the original Yankee Stadium. The interior looks very much like the modern one. But will it be the same? Will baseball fans accept this stadium as the pinnacle of the pasttime?

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